Leeds Church Extension Society

Support the Society

Here are some ways you can support the Leeds Church Extension Society as an individual or a parish:

  • Please include the Society regularly in your parish and personal prayers. See below for the Society Collect.
  • Consider supporting the Society through one off donatons, regular giving or as part of your parish missional giving. All money received by the society goes towards grants for the maintenance and upkeep of Church buildings in the Leeds Episcopal Area.
  • Consider leaving the Society a legacy in your will, either a specific amount or a share of the residue. It is through such giving that the Society is able to continue its work. Your solicitor will be able to assist with the wording, or you may ask for draft wording from the Secretary.


The Society Collect:

Almighty God,
who, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
sent the disciples out into all the world
with the gospel of reconciliation;
bless the work of the church in Leeds,
that we may proclaim the good news
of your undying love, and seek to draw
all people into the circle of your care;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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